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The True Total Cost of Ownership of Core Banking Systems
The True Total Cost of Ownership of Core Banking Systems

In an era where digital transformation is reshaping the financial services industry, core banking systems are the nerve centre for day-to-day operations. While organisations often prioritise finding the most cost-effective core banking solution, the true TCO often lurks beneath attractive headline prices. Understanding these additional fees and charges is crucial for decision-makers.

Inside Out 2.0 – Has anxiety come to stimulate a post-trade transformation?
Inside Out 2.0 – Has anxiety come to stimulate a post-trade transformation?

The financial industry is undergoing a transformative shift driven by innovations in open banking and financial services, alongside regulatory advancements like the proposed Financial Data Access (FIDA) regulations in the EU, and the global adoption of ISO20022 for SWIFT messages. Technology and efficient operations are inseparable topics and change often creates anxiety. However, embracing the transformation, inside out, is the path to future growth.

The Wealth Mosaic Talks To Roger Furrer, Director at ERI, about the best way to approach technology development implementation
The Wealth Mosaic Talks To Roger Furrer, Director at ERI, about the best way to approach technology development implementation

In an era defined by rapid technological advancements and evolving customer expectations, the financial services industry finds itself at a critical juncture. Consumers have become used to e-commerce platforms that offer transparent, real-time visibility over the entire payment, execution and delivery life-cycle. Enter the Financial Data Access (FIDA) framework – an evolutionary regulatory proposal that promises to reshape the way financial services providers will expose, access and utilise customer financial data.


In den letzten Jahren wurde viel über Engagement-Kanäle im Private-Banking-Sektor diskutiert. Diese Community war schon immer stark auf persönlichen Service und Beziehungen ausgerichtet. Jahrelang wurde dies von Angesicht zu Angesicht mit E-Mails und direktem Zugang zu dem Kundenbetreuer geleistet. Die Pandemie und die digitalen Möglichkeiten, die durch den Generationswechsel beschleunigt wurden, änderten all das, und die Welt verlagerte sich ins Internet.

The FIDA framework – an “audentis fortuna iuvat” moment for financial services providers
The FIDA framework – an “audentis fortuna iuvat” moment for financial services providers

In an era defined by rapid technological advancements and evolving customer expectations, the financial services industry finds itself at a critical juncture. Consumers have become used to e-commerce platforms that offer transparent, real-time visibility over the entire payment, execution and delivery life-cycle. Enter the Financial Data Access (FIDA) framework – an evolutionary regulatory proposal that promises to reshape the way financial services providers will expose, access and utilise customer financial data.

Tokenisation: Black is the new black
Tokenisation: Black is the new black

Some clothes designers say that brown is the new black. Being environmentally aware is so fashionable these days that one may say green is the new black. For young people, others say that, politics is the new black. For the securities industry, arguably, tokenisation indicates that black may be the new black. But, asks ERI’s Alan Goodrich, what form does this new black take for market participants, their organisation structures and underlying technology platforms?

Regulation & Compliance: The gift that just keeps on giving
Regulation & Compliance: The gift that just keeps on giving

For those operating in the financial services sector, the regulators continue to pile on the pressure with a wave of new challenges in the pipeline to add to those already implemented. Institutions, already struggling with less than optimal legacy technology platforms, must begin to feel like they have become recipients of the proverbial (uninvited) gift that just keeps on giving (but not in a good way). A new, modern, open, integrated core system could be the one item on the wish-list this festive season that would change the narrative and transform the challenges into opportunities.

T+1: Everything, everywhere, all at once
T+1: Everything, everywhere, all at once

We may not have to deal with inter-dimensional post-trade, just yet. However, a recent Citi Securities Services survey reported that close to 90 percent of respondents expect their local settlement cycles to shorten to T+0 or T+1 within the next five years. In the current T+2 world, once instructions are sent to custodians then, if there is a problem, it will become apparent the next day and may still be corrected and settled in time. In contrast, T+1 actually requires a T+0 approach, underpinned by technology to support continuous real-time processes, as the window for reconciling and settling trades is compressed to same-day. Here, ERI’s Alan Goodrich explores the path to implementing a technology solution that meets the future; everything, everywhere, all at once requirements.

Maximising The Benefits of “As-A-Service” Models
Maximising The Benefits of “As-A-Service” Models

These days we hear a lot about Infrastructure-as-a-Service, Software-as-a-Service, all the way through to Banking-as-a-Service. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all solution for every institution, is there?

The goal of digital and digital transformation is to retain profitable clients and attract new clients
The goal of digital and digital transformation is to retain profitable clients and attract new clients

ERI’s mission is to deliver a unique technology solution, OLYMPIC Banking System, that constantly evolves and adapts to meet the critical requirements of financial institutions and responds to the constraints and challenges of the market. Having successfully delivered more than 400 implementations in over 60 countries, ERI has established deep expertise by continuously envisioning and incorporating future requirements while ensuring the efficiency of the existing product for our clients’ day-to-day use.

ERI’s Unique Tech Solution Fits Banking Trends
ERI’s Unique Tech Solution Fits Banking Trends

ERI constantly adapts its suite of solutions to reflect and respond
to the challenges faced by banks. Diversification of products and
services and reducing time-to-market are key to ensuring new
sources of revenue. Responding to new customer segments and
needs is an enormous challenge. The only way to face it is the capacity
to rely on a digitally enabled platform that facilitates agility
and connectivity thanks to an open architecture. An enhanced and
personalised customer experience will be the backbone of client
acquisition and retention.

ERI Takes Digital Offering To Next Level
ERI Takes Digital Offering To Next Level

The UK private wealth industry has seen its consolidation trend strengthen in 2022, and 2023 looks to be no different. Banks have been very careful in choosing priority areas for investment. In this respect, technology is now seen as a central element of a bank’s growth strategy, but also as a key differentiator in a highly competitive environment. Leveraging technology to optimise operational efficiency and manage costs is essential to building a robust and healthy bank for years to come.

Customer centricity – Michelin star or haute cuisine?
Customer centricity – Michelin star or haute cuisine?

Customer centricity has always been a focus for wealth managers. But, as this digital age unfolds and a new generation of customers takes the reins, what customer-centric means is changing. How can modern wealth managers adapt while still achieving profitable growth?

Out with the old, in with the new!
Out with the old, in with the new!

2022 is coming to a close. A new year with fresh opportunities awaits. Technology forms an integral part of financial services and now, more than ever, it has become a key market differentiator enabling firms to attract new business, retain profitable customers, leverage new ecosystems and introduce fresh revenue generating digitally-delivered products and services.

Conversational Banking puts clients first – loyalty will follow
Conversational Banking puts clients first – loyalty will follow

Conversations are at the centre of any client relationship. The need for easy, flexible and transparent ways to interact are driving the digital transformation and will fundamentally reshape the banking industry. While internet banking and omnichannel interactions have created a world of convenience, clients are indicating that something is missing: personal interaction.

Modern Wealth Manager, Private Banker or Ambassador of Quan?
Modern Wealth Manager, Private Banker or Ambassador of Quan?

In order to remain profitable and relevant, the providers of private banking and wealth management products and services are having to reinvent themselves as part of their digital transformation journey. Alan Goodrich, at ERI, suggests that becoming the client’s Ambassador of Quan holds the key.

The T+1 drama: No time to fail
The T+1 drama: No time to fail

According to recent statistics, despite measures like the EU’s CSDR regulations that were intended to improve settlement efficiency, the rate of failures has actually increased, not come down. The US, Canada and India all have firm plans for the introduction of T+1. The pressure is mounting on Europe to follow suit. As a result, the topic is being given an increasing amount of airtime and is the subject of intense discussion. Regulation, so far, does not appear to be solving the issue. So, asks ERI’s Alan Goodrich … what will?

Luxembourg Official – Forward Thinking Financial Services
Luxembourg Official – Forward Thinking Financial Services

ERI is the developer and supplier of the OLYMPIC Banking System – a fully-integrated, front-to-back, parameter-driven digital platform supporting all types of financial service providers to streamline their core business activities. The solution provides a complete set of decision-making, transaction processing and control tools to support domestic and inter – national financial services. It comprises a functionally-rich, client-centric, integrated system with a wide range of front-, middle- and back-office activities across the entire lifecycle.

A la recherche de l’efficience dans la relation client
A la recherche de l’efficience dans la relation client

Géraldine Chardiny – Au cœur des services financiers, la maîtrise des technologies devient un enjeu majeur. La transformation du marché bancaire français passe de plus en plus par une architecture ouverte, pour une gestion facilitée, et un recentrage sur le cœur du métier de banquier, le conseil.

All That Glitters Is Not Gold
All That Glitters Is Not Gold

Crypto-speak and fintech buzzwords – the financial services technology space is awash with either new vocabulary or new use cases for existing concepts. The reality is that much of the jargon used by vendors to hype up technology is simply intended to make it sound or look exciting and new, when often the truth is something else entirely.

Sandbox – tears or smiles?
Sandbox – tears or smiles?

What happened when, as a child, you played in a sandbox? It generally ended up in tears with everyone and everything needing a thorough cleaning! Some core system suppliers promote having a sandbox as being a shortcut to evaluating whether their solution will meet potential users’ requirements. However, a bit like the childhood sandbox experience, there is a risk that taking such a shortcut will not end in the happy smiles anticipated.


Over the last decade, Financial inclusion can be characterised as a means to an end. By ensuring access for households and small and medium enterprises to safe, essential financial services, financial inclusion is a key facilitator of inclusive economic growth. Not only does financial inclusion promote regional economic objectives, it is also considered as an enabler for 7 of the 17 sustainable development goals defined by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

The implementation of OLYMPIC Banking System Portfolio Management System
The implementation of OLYMPIC Banking System Portfolio Management System

Andbank had been using OLYMPIC Banking System, ERI’s comprehensive core banking system, for many years, and had also successfully and efficiently upgraded it during that time. Andbank turned to ERI as a trusted partner to discuss the potential features of an enhanced portfolio management system.

FIDA Unleashed | Beyond Open Banking & Data Privacy

In the ever-evolving landscape of financial services, a significant transformation is underway—the Financial Data Access (FIDA) Regulation. At its core, FIDA is a mandate—a crucial directive carved in digital ink. It urges banks, fintech startups, and financial institutions alike to adapt or risk falling behind. But what exactly does FIDA entail, and how will it reshape the financial industry and the broader business landscape?

FIDA Unleashed | Beyond Open Banking & Data Privacy
La technologie au service du banquier privé : pour une expérience client optimisée dans un contexte hautement évolutif et réglementé

Géraldine Chardiny, Sales Manager et Jean-Philippe Bersier Directeur des Ventes & Marketing chez ERI nous partagent leur vision et leur retour d'expérience lors de l'atelier qu'ils ont animé au Wealth Tech Morning du Forum de la Gestion Privée. Visionnez le replay au cours duquel ils décryptent les enjeux liés à la transformation digitale des banques privées.

Replay - La technologie au service du banquier privé. Décryptage des enjeux de la transformation digitale des banques privées.
The Connector Podcast – WealthTech Live in Zürich 2024 – Delving into FinTech Innovations and Global Private Banking by ERI

Unlock the world of FinTech innovation with Roger Furrer and Jean-Philippe Bersier from ERI as they share their frontline insights on the OLYMPIC Banking System and more. As key players in the FinTech scene, Roger oversees ERI's operations in the German and Italian-speaking regions of Switzerland, while Jean-Philippe, with his long tenure since 2002, leads sales and marketing from Geneva with a truly global perspective.

The Connector Podcast
With Dora, operational resilience is getting more attention – from a low level

It was meant to be a broader panel, but few speaker candidates could relate to the topic, and many pros are not yet familiar with the incoming Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA). Euroclear Finland’s Kati Honkajuuri-Kokkonen and ERI’s Alan Goodrich shared their insights with the audience of PostTrade 360° Helsinki 2023.

With Dora, operational resilience is getting more attention – from a low level
Interview Nad Cyrus – Cidel

Nad Cyrus Vice President IT explains how Cidel has benefited from the implementation of OLYMPIC Banking System in its journey towards digital transformation.

Interview Nad Cyrus – Cidel
Portfolio managers, ESG is now your responsibility

As regulators crack down on greenwashing, asset managers find themselves navigating a tricky new landscape while trying not to trip up. Therese Niklasson – Global Head of Sustainable Investment at Newton Investment Management – sees the industry needing an overhaul of how responsibility is shared and accountability taken. At PostTrade 360° Stockholm, she joined discussion with Sustainalytics’ Benjamin Schofield and ERI’s Alan Goodrich.

Picture of the pannel about Portfolio Managers and how ESG is now their responsibility
Interview Javier Puga – Unblu

Watch the new episode of ERI TALKS: "Conversational Banking puts clients first - loyalty will follow" where Javier Puga, EVP Marketing at Unblu gives us insights on how banks can automate, secure, and simplify their clients’ interactions to best create a meaningful and connected customer experience at each step of their journey.

Interview Javier Puga - Unblu - conversational banking
ESG data could add a new role for CSDs as aggregator

So far, post trade infrastructures have played a humble role in the budding sustainability transition. This Wednesday panel at the PostTrade 360° Helsinki conference dug into whether central securities depositories could play a supportive role as data intermediaries, as reporting requirements stack up both for issuers and investors.

On T+1 settlement, “we are not starting from a blank sheet”

With 27 member nations in the EU, it stands clear that a shortening of the standard settlement cycle by a day can be nowhere near as smooth and quick as in the US, with its single CSD. A panel at the PostTrade 360° Amsterdam conference discussed what could be a path forward.

UK WealthTech Landscape Report Video Interview

As part of the 2022 WealthTech Landscape Report, Anthony Bream, Global Head of Partnerships at The Wealth Mosaic, interviews Paul Driver, Business Development UK at ERI, also known as the solution provider of the Olympic Banking System. In the interview, Paul discusses the current and future goals of ERI, and how they plan to adapt as the industry changes to ensure that they continue to support the growth of their diverse clientele.

ERI: UK WealthTech Landscape Report Video Interview
IBSI – ERI Podcast

How the digital payments landscape is evolving and what’s coming next in PayTech

ERI Podcast - IBS Intelligence
Meeting the Rising Tide of Demand and Opportunity in the Middle East

31 Agosto 2021
The state of the private wealth management industry in the GCC will be debated in depth at the August 31 Hubbis Digital Dialogue event...

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